You have a new product launch coming up or you are about to launch your brand from scratch and you still may be asking yourself, should I hire a digital agency for my business?
This article will help you answer that question.
First, start by preparing internally, and writing down your objectives. Understand why you’re considering hiring an agency. Be clear about your business reasons for conducting an agency search. Think this through before committing to an agency selection process, which takes time and resources by all parties involved. How do you go about this? Well, you need to answer yes to at least one of these five questions.
- Do you or your team constantly say, “I’m too busy to get all this work done?”
- Do you lack the resources or capacity to get the job done?
- Does your internal team lack the necessary capabilities and experience? Perhaps you don’t need or have the budget or desire to hire full time staff internally to address capability gaps.
- Do you lack new, innovative ideas and a fresh external perspective? Maybe you need education about technology and web design or social media. Or, maybe your creative is uninspiring, expected and doesn’t engage your target audience.
- Do you need better or more frequent content? You may be able to update your brand’s Facebook page here or there, but do you struggle to find content and resources to interact with and engage your followers in real time?
If you’ve answered yes to any of these questions, you’ve identified at least one business reason to begin an agency selection process. Understanding why you need an external agency provides insight and direction to agencies about which business need you need to solve. An external agency should augment your resources and capabilities in a cost-efficient way to develop inspiring, effective digital marketing campaigns.
Agencies have insight, expertise, experience and resources that you don’t have inside your company. They know how to plan, measure and optimize digital efforts across all the brand’s marketing touch points. And for those of you who may not know, touchpoints are your brand’s point of customer contact, from start to finish.